Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

sumairy list of used to antroduce adverb clauses

time clauses and effect apposition condition

after because everthought if
before since althought unlees
when now that tought only if
while/as as /as long as whet her or not/ oven if
by the time(that) in as muchas where as provided(that)
since while provided(that)
until in case (that)
as soon as so( that) in the event(that)
once in order(that)
as so long as
when ever
ever time(that)
the firs time(that)
the last time
the next time

for example;

a.when weareb in new york. we saw serveral plays.
b.we saw serveral plays whaen we were in new york.
c.because has was sleepy . the went to bed.
d.he went to bed because he was sleepy.

after => sesudah yaitu dc nya menggunakan simple present dan ic menggunakan past
before => sebelum peristiwa menggunakan past perfect exampe; she had lef before i telephone
jadi present future / past perfect ; example nya =>she had lef (before/after) i telephone ,
we wiill finish she arrive

while /as => adalahh kalimat yang progresif dan harus menggunakan past countinouss
example ; she began cooking while i was finishing my home work

by the time => adalah suatu gagasan tentang sesuatu peristiwa yang sudah selesai sebelum terjadi masalah yang baru
ex; past perfect / future perfect => he finished , i had cooking dinner
future perfect => we will have finished our home work by the time they arrive
untill/ till => mangungkapkan sampai batas waktu tertentu dan digunakan untuk berbicara / menuliss
ex; i writed untill finished his home work , i wait till finish

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